The Spotted Goldfish


My brother used to have a goldfish growing up… Ok story time:

So my brother was about 8 years old, and he decided he was going to get a goldfish instead of a beta fish.

We all knew that his tank was only 5 gallons and he actually needed a huge tank to raise a goldfish, but, He was Mama’s boy, so if he asked for it, he got it.

He got his goldfish, and put it in his 5 gallon tank, (he named it, if I remember right, “goldy”) and than asked for another goldfish as a friend. The next goldfish was much smaller and called, I think, “spotty.”

In the back of my head, I knew this wouldn’t end well.

One morning he woke up and came downstairs very very upset. “GOLDY ATE HIS FRIEND!!” He cried.

Our Mama went upstairs with him, and in all curiosity, I went up too.

All that was left of Goldie’s poor friend Spotty was a fin hanging out of Goldie’s mouth. Eeew, I thought…

In sheer spite, my brother renamed Goldy “Gobbler,” because he ate Spotty.

After Goldie passed away too, my brother decided never to get a goldfish again.

And so he went back to asking our Mom for a Beta fish every 4 months.

The End.

So I guess this painting is a tribute to Spotty and a reminder to always think before you buy a friend for your fish.

Anyways, Made with care and hand-touched love, this little goldfish would make a beautiful addition to any home, floating serenely within its still waters. Great as a gift to yourself, a family member, or a friend.

The Spotted Goldfish; Original 11x14 matted watercolor artwork

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