The Lovers Kiss
So Romantic❤️💛
Seeing this kissing action between courting cardinals (among many other birds) is a rare thing to witness, and whenever I see it at my feeder, my heart melts.🥰
The amazing thing about Cardinal couples is that they mate for life. Their “marriage” will last as long as either one lives, and they will protect, guard, and care for one another throughout each one’s lifetime. They will never seek another partner unless the other one passes away.
Be like cardinals in your marriage- stand together, love each other, and keep your covenant, committing that there is no such thing as divorce in the Kingdom of God.
This painting is a wonderful reminder to Christian couples of what God seeks in marriage- the lifetime commitment of a man and a woman to stand together through highs and lows forever.
A lot of people get pieces like these for wedding gifts or anniversary presents. It’s even great as a Christmas present for your spouse.
If you get it for any of these reasons, make sure to let the happy couple (or your spouse) know about the beautiful story of these cardinals. Feel free to email me and ask for this description if you do so.
This cute birdy couple is a large painting made to stand out big and beautiful on your wall.
The Lovers Kiss: Original large 11x15” (framed to 19x23”) Watercolor Artwork