Books by Isabella Theodora

You didn’t know I wrote and illustrated books? Well now you do!

You didn’t know I write and illustrate boos? Now you do!

You didn’t know I wrote and illustrated children’s books? Well, now you do! My books are available pretty much everywhere, but if you want more information from the author, you’ve come to the right place.

I Have a Savior

In July of 2023, God began giving me a poem about His friendship and faithfulness to us. Once again, he began leading me to paint pictures for this poem. (This book has 40 original watercolor paintings in it, so that was no small task.) As he began speaking to me and giving me more watercolor paintings, I began getting more and more revelation about the friendship and faithfulness he continually pours over us as His children. By Oct 17, the book was out!

You may be surprised to know that each painting in this book was given to me by God in the fling of the moment. Each time I went to sit at my desk, I didn’t really know what I would be painting. God began revealing it to me as I picked up my brushes and pencils! I hope this book blesses you as God blessed me with it!

Let All the Earth Praise

When I was 13, God began giving me poems, one of which he downloaded to me in one sitting and instructed me to paint pictures for. Yes, I wrote, illustrated, and published the whole book when I was 13. It was such a blessing to begin hearing from the Lord in this new way.

The book is all about praising the Lord. It goes through a delicate and beautiful watercolor story of the trees, birds, rivers, flowers, sun, clouds, wind, and all of creation singing and dancing for the Lord. If all of creation constantly gives this magnificent praise to Jesus, why shouldn’t we?

Although this book is directed for young children, its message and elaborately colorful artwork make it a beautiful gift for all ages. I hope this book blesses you and your family as it blessed me!

I Have a Savior, I Have a friend, who hears my heart, each Word I have said. He Loves me so and fully I know, He will stand with me through sun and snow.

— I Have a Savior by Isabella Theodora